What Does Peace Mean to You?

Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Four

Today is World Peace Day and all around my college campus there are signs asking “What does peace mean to you?” I feel as if a lot of people view peace through the dictionary definition or as having a static meaning. Peace: freedom from disturbance. Peace: freedom from war. While these are technically definitions of peace…

That is not what peace means to me.

I think that peace will be achieved when people can be their true self without fear. That means being able to practice your religion openly or wear whatever clothes you want. Peace to me means that you can walk down the street without being judged for your biological appearance or who you are holding hands with. Peace to me is when you learn to love yourself. Peace to me is when everyone stops seeing differences as sources of hate, but as reasons to be celebrated. Peace to me is when everyone realizes that if you strip away everything else we are all just variations of four base pairs. We are all just the same. That is what peace means to me.

Now I challenge you, what does peace mean to you? Let me know in the comments!

Until Tomorrow,