
Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Two

I can float. I have floated with my head above water for years now. But have I really been floating? If I am doing fine by myself, then why do I cling tightly to this buoy. If I am doing fine then why do I find myself drowning when my buoy floats away? I sink down, desperately reaching into the murky darkness for something to curl my outstretched fingers around. There, just before I completely lose sight of the surface, another buoy enters my grasp. Back at the surface I hold on even tighter, hoping that I can put on a convincing show of floating on my own. Praying that this life preserver does not slip away like the last.

Until Tomorrow,


My Favorite Kind of Day

Day Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Today was my favorite kind of day. It rained so hard that I looked like I had just gone swimming when I arrived at my class, even though I had an umbrella. Raindrops beaded the windows of the tram and the classrooms. I sat curled up on my couch next to my window that was open just enough for me to be able to hear the pitter-patter of rain on the pavement. It was the kind of day that only happens at the end of summer that gives you a sneak peak at what winter will be like. It was my favorite kind of day.

Until Tomorrow,


History Made

Day Two Hundred and Fifty-Six

There is a story going around the internet about April Goss, the second female to score in a NCAA College Football game. In the video accompanying the article, you see her kicking the extra point and then being lifted up and carried off the field by her teammates. I do not know what it is about stories like these but I love them. So here you go: April Goss: History Made

Until Tomorrow,